Reflecting on Learning

Have you ever stopped for a moment to think, reflect, and truly inquire what values drive you and your actions?

 I’m curious what this year has been like for you?

Have you discovered anything new about yourself?

What values drive you and make you who you are?

Classrooms are catnip for teachers. 

There it is. I said it. 

II meant it too:)

You can visualise it for better understanding, but at some point, whether you're a teacher or not, you are bound to see the connection. 


Ok, it all started as a reflection on student engagement and connecting with the known but somehow in the course of thinking about things, as you would… it became a marketing tip with elements of supply and demand relationship dynamics.. To think that I have two degrees in Education and none in Economics or given Marketing, to quote Cicero “O tempora, o mores!”  ( wow, I'm impressed with myself here;)

I’ve always been the one for a positive attitude, embracing the change and believing that all is possible. My personal vocabulary did not really have any room or tolerance for the NO’s, the IM’s and the UN’s….well until now that is…

I come from a family of educators - my mother, her brothers and my cousins are either teachers or principals.