I'm Aga Chojnacka. I am an enthusiastic inquirer, maker,#playadvocate, #SDGs goalkeeper. #PYP coordinator, #RAKtivits, consultant, workshop leader...life-long learner. Mom.
Join me as I share my curiosity, passion and wonderings about learning. Learning for myself, for and with others and for this exponentially changing world. 16 years and 10 countries later, my bucket list is long and my craving for learning - insatiable.
This summer I'm embarking on an INQUIRY like no other the one that will not only impact me but colleague educators, learners in their care, and hopefully our future.
Over the 8 weeks of summer, I will show up and listen, reflect and inquire, provoke, and challenge others to truly become a culturally responsive and responsible educator.
Every summer is brim with opportunities. Having time for yourself, time with the family and friends, time to learn, and explore or time to simply do nothing - just breathe.
This summer I'm embarking on an INQUIRY like no other the one that will not only impact me but colleague educators, learners in their care, and hopefully our future.
Over the...
I’ve been grappling with issues of discrimination all my life.
I’m a daughter of a Lithuanian descendant mom and a Roma/Gypsy father.
I’m a girl.
I’m Polish and have always worked...
Every summer is brim with opportunities. Having time for yourself, time with the family and friends, time to learn, and explore or time to simply do nothing - just breathe.
My mantras, mottos and manifestos...
Latest learning, un-learning and re-learning...
O tempora! O mores!
Appetite for Learning...
My appetite for learning is indeed insatiable. I need to have 10 books on my desk and by my bed. The Economist, Harvard Business Review are regular appearances on my coffee table. I listen to podcasts, watch ted talks, participate in online learning with EdX and Coursera and many more...I celebrate learning like it's Xmas come 365 days a year - with sheer joy, excitement and gratitude. People are wired to learn and evolve, so why not make the best out of this experience.
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